Sort Of Books Moominvalley in November

Sort Of Books Moominvalley in November
Brand: Sort Of Books
15 EUR

Esimmäisen kerran ruotsiksi vuonna 1970 ilmestynyt Moominvalley in November (suom. Muumilaakson marraskuu) johdattaa lukijan pimeään ja sateiseen Muumilaakson, jonne on etsiytynyt joukko yksinäisiä olentoja - mutta missä on itse muumiperhe? Janssonin viimeinen Muumi-romaani on ilmestynyt jo yli 50 eri kielellä. Sort Of Books on julkaissut kirjan hurmaavana erikoispainoksena alkuperäisasussaan. The Moomins, in case you haven’t already met them, are kind, philosophical creatures with velvety fur and smooth round snouts, who live in a beautiful Finnish valley. They sleep through the winter and when spring comes they wake and clamber down rope ladders hanging from their windows, ready for a bright new adventure. But in Moominvalley in November, the Moomins are missing. They have left their beloved Moominvalley - for the mysterious lighthouse island of Moominpappa at Sea - and no one has seen them since. As winter draws near, Snufkin, Mymble, Toft and others move into the Moominhouse to await the family’s return and soon find themselves absorbed in exploits of their own. Only little Toft lingers on. The gentle creature has seen a flicker of light on the horizon. Could this be the Moomins sailing back?